Thursday, December 14, 2006

serialization problem in .net is solved

not possible to serialize the dictionary objects and nullable types in the form of xml, ie xmlserialization, this has been resolved by new xmlformatter class in .net 3.0.
so in .net 3.0 able to serialize generic types and nullable types. not tested actually. if any one tested it then tell me.

installing mozilla thunderbird in windows xp and norton antivirus

when you install any internet aware applications, like news agreegaters, the norton antivirus does not allow them to access the internet, so these applications does not tell you that norton firewall is stoping the access, so manually created a firewall rule stating that allow access to thunderbird to use internet.

the problem is for some applications norton firewall tells that program is accessing the internet -"do you want to allow it or block it". why it is not informing for thunderbird.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How to change the port address in the vs2005 development webserver

To change the Port.

click the webservice or website project to see the propery pages.
and change the port there. and set the dynamic port to false.
and dont forget to stop the iis if you want to use the port 80.
iis can be stopped by using the following commands.

iisreset / stop
net stop iisadmin /a